try to the below number Verification and results: Mr.S.Maity mob:9830239165 ( Contact hours: Monday to Friday from 10 A.M. to 6.30 P.M.
hiii guys i got 67 50 40 34 in group 2 total 191 shall i apply for re verification please suggest me @ please help me to come out of this conflicts
I think examiner did nt gave me any marks for 12 marks. Question was asked in units. I answered it in ruppes. Bt the answer was if we convert units into rupees. What should i do.. should i apply for verification.?
Hi have got mark in group 2 2012 syllabus inter like om 81, costing 47, indirect tax 50, n company account 31, applied for verification, Ll clear my group 2, total 209
Bhai is baar june 2017 me maine bhi exam diya tha but 4 no se reh gya cost me 36 de diya h total no 203 h A/c 58,law 53 & tax 56 h revaluation ke lie maine dala h kya badhega 4 no ya nhi please reply
Bhai is baar june 2017 me maine bhi exam diya tha but 4 no se reh gya cost me 36 de diya h total no 203 h A/c 58,law 53 & tax 56 h revaluation ke lie maine dala h kya badhega 4 no ya nhi please reply
i got 56,40,40,46 in my group 2 exam of inter .i have applied for re verification for all the subject . i short in 18 mrks from aggregate of passing . is it worth to wait for the resukts ?
I had applied for reverification for june 2017 attempt inter group2 paper 11(got aggregate 210 but failed in indirect tax-37) i dont know when does exactly they will declare the resul, now can i apply for december 2017 exam or not can anyone guide me
As reference to your email we would like to inform you the following:
1. Verification results will be declared tentative by end of October' 2017 at 2. The candidates are requested to submit their examination form for the coming examination within the stipulated date if they so desire.
Hello everyone, I got my cma inter first group cleared but my second group is not cleared because of OM paper. I got 30 marks in it. If I go for rechecking then can i get pass. In other papars of group 2 i got good marks 47, 62, 53. Can i get pass in rechecking or any other solution available.
I have got ICWAI FINAL IV Group result dec 2012. Its gone in aggregate. Already I have one exemption in BVM. Remaining three papers I wrote and I got 144 marks. Shall I apply for reverification of papers? Whether any possibility is there for clear this group?
Hiii, I also applied for my g 2 reverification my mark is , 40'45'61'50 total 196 .I applied for my cost fm paper and omsm papar in which paper I score 40,45 marks , is their any possibility of increasing mark, or possibility of pass
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 334 of 334Anybody get verification result
i am also waiting. i got 219 marks(61,54,37,67) in cma final group3
try to the below number
Verification and results: Mr.S.Maity mob:9830239165 (
Contact hours: Monday to Friday from 10 A.M. to 6.30 P.M.
Anybody get verification result
Anyone got to know time of reverification result announcement??
Anyone got info about result..plzz share
Abh next week bol rae han...9th may
yeah, if not declared today then, next week is the answer. ifnot next week, next to next week may be :D
@taranjeet kaur have you spoke to them?
Yes i contact der in d afternoon...they told me 9th may next week
arey yar 5th bhi ho gaya abhi bhi koi update nahi ..... exams hi nazdeek aa gaye .....
Pavan kanchrala have post d number above...try dat same number
Abhi 2-3 din or lgenge yr
Any one tell me, when will come verification result?
I think your group third will definitely complete.
I think your group third will definitely complete.
Pavan kanchrala have post d number above...try dat same number
Same problem..4th group 39,51,67,50
Same problem..4th group 39,51,67,50
Verification results announced
Same 53,37,61,72 4th group
Same 53,37,61,72 4th group
no change
No change
No change
Verification results came
I got 134 0ut of 150. Should i apply for re check for 16 marks.
Are u cleared after reverfication bro
hiii guys i got 67 50 40 34 in group 2 total 191 shall i apply for re verification please suggest me @ please help me to come out of this conflicts
please guys suggest me
Hey guyz is there is any chance that marks ill be reduce after reverification? ??
Whats was your results in reverification? ?
Did you cleared group 2 by applying re verification???????
Rply do na yar?
How many students clear in verification results in CMA Final?
And is there a possibility to get above 20 marks in CMA final to clear the exam?
Do apply for verification u never know what may happen..
I have got the same issue..
So I have applied for the re verification.
Let's hope for the best..
Does anybody knows someone who gave their CMA final paper for revaluation and cleared?
Guys isn't it our right to know how many people apply for verification for intermediate and final and how many students actually clear ?
Is there any one who have passed after verification by 15 marks??? Pllllsss tell
I think examiner did nt gave me any marks for 12 marks. Question was asked in units. I answered it in ruppes. Bt the answer was if we convert units into rupees. What should i do.. should i apply for verification.?
How much you got?
What is the duration of reverification result????? any guesssss
My actual marks is 134 out of 150.i hv taken exemption in 1 paper. Pls suggest wht should i do. In verification process almost it takes 2 months
Did u get in cma or ca
Hiii guys I got 196(54,50,43,49)in grp-2 is there any scope of increase in marks.
From where they giving 25 marks questions in section A
Hi have got mark in group 2 2012 syllabus inter like om 81, costing 47, indirect tax 50, n company account 31, applied for verification, Ll clear my group 2, total 209
I also got 191 om 67 costing 50 idt 47 accounts 34
Bhai is baar june 2017 me maine bhi exam diya tha but 4 no se reh gya cost me 36 de diya h total no 203 h A/c 58,law 53 & tax 56 h revaluation ke lie maine dala h kya badhega 4 no ya nhi please reply
Bhai is baar june 2017 me maine bhi exam diya tha but 4 no se reh gya cost me 36 de diya h total no 203 h A/c 58,law 53 & tax 56 h revaluation ke lie maine dala h kya badhega 4 no ya nhi please reply
What was ur result aftet verification?
What was ur result after reverification?
Did u clear after reverification?
Did u clear after reverification?
Hey guys I want to know do we get the photocopy of answer sheet at our home address or they only show it online?
i got 56,40,40,46 in my group 2 exam of inter .i have applied for re verification for all the subject . i short in 18 mrks from aggregate of passing . is it worth to wait for the resukts ?
xerox copies will be sent to your address . evey page will be stamped with institute's sign .
frnds tellme re verification result date
Hey thanx a lot:-) there is one more question does the photocopy come after verification ?
Do not wait for results..It may prove risky..Start studying.
It comes within 1 month after the application bt there is no specific date as such.
I had applied for reverification for june 2017 attempt inter group2 paper 11(got aggregate 210 but failed in indirect tax-37) i dont know when does exactly they will declare the resul, now can i apply for december 2017 exam or not can anyone guide me
Exam registration date is till 10th October..U can apply for December 2017 exam why not?
I got 198 {june 2017}applied for reverification i would like to know the revaluation results date
Any idea about june 2017 verification result???
Positively this week end some of the results may come
I received following message through email
Dear Student,
As reference to your email we would like to inform you the following:
1. Verification results will be declared tentative by end of October' 2017 at
2. The candidates are requested to submit their examination form for the coming examination within the stipulated date if they so desire.
S Maity
Do anyone know the exact date of verification results.
Have anyone asked the institute regarding verification results.
No idea when will it come
Any idea on verification result date for June 2017 exams?
Do anyone know the cell number of the verification concern?
When did publish result of June 17 term verification
When did publish result of June 17 term verification
Did anyone asked institute regarding verification results.
I think probably some of the results might come next week.
I called twice but no reply, have u called and got any message
Last week of October
Does any 1 know when will revaluation results be released..It's too late already..
Last week of October.
I have even received my mark sheet through post. Is verification much of a use now.
Is there any possibility for changes in your answersheet
Yeah I hope so
Why does the institute delay the results,already it's too late....
Does anyone know the exact date of results..
Hardly only one more month for exam why so the verification results not yet declared...
When will the reverification result come
When will the verification results come
I have called to the institute regarding the results they told that with in this month results will be declared.
Hi friends... Any idea regarding the verification results?
Did any one know difference between exemption & carry forward., I got as CF in paper 13. And verification results tentatively by end of October 2017
Today I have called to the verification center and they said that results will be declared by 4th November...
Who toldo u because even I called today they told me that it's on next week
The verification number which is given above....
Verification results declared!
Any Good news guys
Site not opening
No change🤦
No change
No change. Does anyone got positive results
No change
Hello everyone,
I got my cma inter first group cleared but my second group is not cleared because of OM paper. I got 30 marks in it. If I go for rechecking then can i get pass. In other papars of group 2 i got good marks 47, 62, 53. Can i get pass in rechecking or any other solution available.
Dear Friends,
I have got ICWAI FINAL IV Group result dec 2012. Its gone in aggregate. Already I have one exemption in BVM. Remaining three papers I wrote and I got 144 marks. Shall I apply for reverification of papers? Whether any possibility is there for clear this group?
Any news on verification for june18
Wen will the revaluation result be announced for June 2018 bcoz oct 10th is last date to apply for exam....
Whether your marks increased or not, after verification
I have same problem
Any one here ? When reverification
result will be declared ?
Hiii, I also applied for my g 2 reverification my mark is , 40'45'61'50 total 196 .I applied for my cost fm paper and omsm papar in which paper I score 40,45 marks , is their any possibility of increasing mark, or possibility of pass
Hello how many marks u have got in reverification? Pls reply
When are the rechecking result of December 2019 going to be declared plz tell me the date
When are the revaluation results of December 2019 going to be announced???
How to pay fee of Rs.250
I too had the same problem 50,67,38,59 are my results can i go for revalution
Through verification website link and payment can be made through various modes ...
I have applied for verifucation. Let me know when will they announce the re verification results of Dec 2020 exam.
When you will release cma inter of 2020
Hello sir, what's ur marks before verification results and after verification results. Please reply to me
How much marks u get after revaluation?
When the revaluation result will be published for Jan-21 exam.
Would you pass after reverification?
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